Before and After School Programs
Our programs are funded by these sponsors:

SCYC's free afterschool programs are up and running! Chill Zone occurs in the cafeteria after school until programs start at 4:30. Please have elementary students meet us at the blue bench outside the cafeteria; secondary students will meet in the Jay Space in the middle school, after their bell. After Chill Zone, we will get students to their afterschool programs.

Elementary School Activities
When: Mondays and Thursdays, 3rd - 6th Grade
What: Educational and fun field trips to a variety of local places. Students K-12 are invited!!
When: Fridays
How: Join our ‘Friday Field Trips’ group on the BAND app. Get updates and stay connected!
What: Ages 4-12
When: Every Friday starting Sept 13th from 9:00am-2:00pm
Where: Drop off (9:00am) and pick up (2:00pm) in the Children's Room
How: Preregistration required! Visit the library's website and click on the 'Register for Children's Program; or email
What: Garden Explorers K-8th grade! Join us for educational and fun garden/agricultural lessons for Elementary and Middle School
When: Every Friday 8:00-12:00pm, September 6th - October 18th.
Where: Meet at the Mancos Elementary School Garden
How: Email or call Sorrel Redford at or 970-966-3992 to sign up. Registration packets will be completed at your first drop off.
What: We focus on the whole girl! Trained coaches inspire girls to build confidence and other important life skills through dynamic, interactive lessons and physical activity.
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays (Fall Only) - 4:15-5:45
How: Contact Amanda Zufelt -
What: Running club is to help kids stay healthy. All ages and levels are welcome to attend. After the warm up we will split into groups. One group will go on a more advanced run around the neighborhood. (Faster paced - longer distance.) The other group will go on a beginner type run. (Walking - shorter distance). Routes will be determined that day depending on who is in attendance. We just want to encourage healthy lifestyle habits and get outside and exercise together. Healthy snacks will be provided. You can join anytime and attend any days possible.
When: Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 4:30-5:30pm
How: Contact Mrs. Endres (970-769-9979) or Kim Russell with any questions.
What: Creative open library time after school for all elementary students. Activities include Maker Space (building, creating, using imagination); Strategy Games (Battleship, Mastermind, Life, Clue, Monopoly, etc); and Lego building. Registration required.
When: Monday - Thursday from 4:30-5:30pm
Where: Elementary School Library
How: Contact Chyrsie Bay -
Secondary School Programs
What: Join us to make art, volunteer in our community and paint murals around the school.
When: Thursdays, 4:30-5:30pm
Where: Art Room
How: Contact Alys Hansen -

What: Educational and fun field trips to a variety of local places. Students K-12 are invited!!
When: Fridays
How: Join our ‘Friday Field Trips’ group on the BAND app. Get updates and stay connected!
What: Garden Explorers K-8th grade! Join us for educational and fun garden/agricultural lessons for Elementary and Middle School
When: Every Friday 8:00-12:00pm, Sept 6 - Oct 18.
Where: Meet at the front of the school and walk to the garden
How: Email or call Sorrel Redford at or 970-966-3992 to sign up. Registration packets will be completed at your first drop off or you can get a head start on your packet here.
What: All secondary students are encouraged to come get extra help in any subject or just have a quiet place to complete assignments.
When: Wednesday, 4:30-5:30pm

What: Open to all MS and HS students. You and your friends can learn to play the drums, guitar, bass or piano in a rock band setting! No experience necessary! Borrow an instrument from the school.
When: Tuesdays 4:30-5:30pm
Where: Band room
How: Contact Mr. Saletta if you have any questions at
What: Running club is to help kids stay healthy. All ages and levels are welcome to attend. After the warm up we will split into groups. One group will go on a more advanced run around the neighborhood. (Faster paced - longer distance.) The other group will go on a beginner type run. (Walking - shorter distance). Routes will be determined that day depending on who is in attendance. We just want to encourage healthy lifestyle habits and get outside and exercise together. Healthy snacks will be provided. You can join anytime and attend any days possible.
When: Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 4:30-5:30pm
How: Contact Mrs. Endres (970-769-9979) or Ms. Russell with any questions.