Board of Education
Join our meetings
Regular Board of Education meetings are held on the third Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m. in Room 223 in the High School. A work session is generally held for one hour preceding the Regular Meeting. These meetings are open to the public
- Board Work Session - Friday, February 7, 2025, at 3:00 p.m. Agenda
- The next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 24, 2025 at 6:00 p.m.
- Board Work Session is scheduled for Monday, February 10, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. Agenda
- Regular meetings will be livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube.
Are you interested in becoming a school board member?
What Does a Board Member Do?
- What is a school board?
- What do school boards do?
- Why serve on a school board?
- What are the characteristics of successful board members?
- How do I prepare to serve on my school board?
Becoming a Candidate
- How do I prepare to serve on my school board?
- Elections
- Eligibility
- Nomination procedures
- Campaign filing requirements
- Code of ethics for board members
Information and FAQs about running and serving on a school board in Colorado
Legislation you should know about
One of the responsibilities of the Board of Education is to track potential new laws and provide input to the legislators from the community. This space is so that you, the community, knows what is happening at the legislature so you can help the board support the Mancos community.
- Colorado Association of School Boards or CASB is a membership organization for school boards and school districts. This link shows the bills introduced in 2023.
- Rural Alliance is an advocacy group that supports small school districts with a bill tracker. This link recommends positions for various bills.
The Mancos School District Re-6 Board of Education Members
The Board of Education of the Mancos School District RE-6 consists of five members elected for a period of four years.
All members are elected at large within the school district.
Please send any correspondence via mail to the Mancos Board of Education, 355 W Grand Avenue, Mancos CO 81328; or via e-mail to the appointed secretary, Heather McKie.

I’m a native Coloradoan, Durango-born, and Mancos-raised resident! As an alumni of MHS, I attended CMU, and ASU shortly after high school, and I have spent the last 20+ years with a national franchise company, currently as the Chief Operating Officer. I split my time in Arizona for my job duties and travel often. I returned to the state of Colorado in 2014 to raise my only son in this community and wanted him to attend Mancos schools. My family has been here for decades, both of my parents were former teachers , along with small business owners. My son, Rhett, is now in his high school years, and he has been at Mancos since his first preschool days at the Early Learning Center. When not working or volunteering with the school board, I also do a lot of volunteering for my industry and profession, and I am a very active swim mom. Swimming is a rigorous sport, and we spend a lot of time between practices and swim meets. I am an avid reader, enjoy time with friends and family and I love to take advantage of the beautiful part of the world we live in, and travel to learn regularly. I try to find the time to enjoy life to the fullest daily while contributing back to this community I love.

I’ve been on the Mancos school board for 18 years. I run a small construction company, Environmental Designs, “We build things BIG and small”. I’m also on the boards of Mancos Valley Resources and Mancos United, non-profit organizations that support the efforts of our small local non-profits that promote and advocate for our kids and community. Mancos is a caring and generous community and I’m proud to be a part of it.

I am a 2002 graduate of the Mancos School system. My family has deep roots in the Mancos School District and the Mancos community. My great-great grandmother came to Mancos to be a teacher in 1890 and every generation since has been Mancos graduates. My parents both taught in Mancos, my mom for 20 years and my dad for 8 years before going to Cortez to finish out his career. After graduating from Mancos, I attended Northern Arizona University and graduated with a business degree. I lived outside of the area for a number of years, when my husband and I decided to move back to Mancos to start a family and a business. For the past nine years we have lived in Mancos and owned businesses in the area. Currently we own the Columbine Bar & Grill, and have transitioned it to a family friendly restaurant.

I am Dine (Navajo). I was born In Monticello, UT, raised in Cortez. Ally, my spouse, my children Quorra and Mason, and I have lived in Mancos for over a decade. My wife is a Registered Nurse. My children attend Mancos Elementary and Middle School. I graduated in 1993 from Montezuma-Cortez High School. I went to Fort Lewis College for degrees in Philosophy and Southwest Studies. I was a Scoutmaster for over a decade in Cortez. I worked as a wildland firefighter for Mesa Verde National Park in the 90’s. I directed a tutoring program at Fort Lewis College. I was a paraprofessional at Cortez Middle School and Kemper Elementary. I’ve worked in construction and in HR focused on hiring and staffing. I served a four year term on the Mancos Town Board of Trustees just before the Covid pandemic. Currently, I work for Alpacka Raft making pack rafts. I volunteer with Mancos Trails Group and Coach for: Tri-City Soccer, Mancos Lego League, High Desert DEVO, and most recently as a 3rd grade boys basketball coach for the Cortez Rec league. I enjoy playing in the outdoors with my family and close friends.

My wife and I have two kids that are in 11th and a recent graduate. They are the 6th generation to live in Mancos. We love Mancos because of its small-town family values, its diversity, and welcoming atmosphere. I have been a teacher, middle school assistant principal, elementary principal, student support services director, director of special education, director of operations, and an assistant superintendent. I am currently semi-retired and work part-time at Fort Lewis College as an instructional supervisor for teachers pursuing their Special Education License. My goal is to bring my experience and knowledge in education to support the great work that is already happening at the Mancos School District. I hope when you see me at a board meeting, school event, or around town that you will stop and introduce yourself. I look forward to working with you.