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Healthy Kids Colorado Survey

* This is for Secondary Families Only. 

What is the Healthy Kids Colorado Survey (HKCS)? The online, voluntary survey collects anonymous information from middle and high school students about health-related attitudes and behaviors including: unintentional injuries and violence; mental health; school safety and physical fighting; tobacco and other substance use; physical activity and nutrition; sexual behavior; basic demographic information such as age; and risk and protective factors. The survey is administered every two years. In 2021, over 106,000 students participated from 340 middle and high schools. For your convenience, we have provided a copy of the survey that your child will complete. 

Middle School

High School

Is participation confidential? Yes! Students do not put their name or any other identifying information on the survey. 

How does HKCS data benefit Colorado communities? 

• Provides local, regional, and state estimates of youth health behaviors and track trends over time. 

• Increase public awareness about health issues that impact youth. 

• Provide support for healthier learning environments through school health education policies and programs. 

• Educate leaders to shape effective public policy. 

• Inform program planning and grant applications to bring funding into our state and local communities. 

How will the HKCS benefit our school? 

• Each school receives a report with its own results. Results can be used to support grant applications, needs assessments, and program planning to focus on prevention. 

How long does the survey take? A single class period. 

Why does the HKCS ask about sensitive topics (like substance use)? Information about these behaviors helps Colorado provide resources and education necessary to prevent unhealthy behaviors and promote healthy behaviors. Students who complete the survey are instructed beforehand that their answers are completely anonymous and that they may skip any questions they do not feel comfortable answering. 

Does my child have to participate? How do I opt my child out, if I don’t want them to take the survey? No. It is not mandatory for your child to participate. If you wish for your child to be excluded from the survey, fill out the attached “Healthy Kids Colorado Survey Opt Out Form” and return it to the school before the date of the survey. 


References: Colorado School of Public Health. “Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Parents/Guardians” 2023 HKCS Resources 14 Sept. 2023, https://www.hkcsonline.com/2023-hkcs