School board members are ordinary people doing extraordinary things and stepping onto the field, not content to sit on the sidelines, always working towards the betterment of public schools.
We often neglect to see the personal sacrifices made on our behalf. We often neglect to see all the unpaid hours before and after board meetings, helping to shape state policies, attending other board meetings (Mancos Library, Mancos United, BOCES etc) on our behalf. We often forget about the importance of school board members in maintaining local governance by people who are our neighbors.
This month, we shine a light on Emily, Craig, Rachel, Tim and Victor for your untiring efforts and helping our children to thrive.
The school board works closely with families, education professionals and community members, adhering to our strategic plan and educational vision, we want for our students. The school board is accountable to the public. It is responsible for assuring the public that the money allocated to the public schools is providing a good return on the investment. Thus, the board oversees regular assessment of the district’s students, staff and programs. The school board is also strong advocate for public schools and is responsible for communicating the needs of the school district to the public and the public’s expectations to the district.
When you next see one of our school board members, thank them for their time and service to Mancos School District.