High School People

Photo of Tiffany Aspromonte

Tiffany Aspromonte

Secondary Academic Advisor/Registrar

Alessandra Barnhurst

English Teacher

Photo of Sarah Carr

Sarah Carr

English Composition/PCC Electives/Outdoor Education

Photo of William Custer

William Custer

HS Social Studies Teacher

Photo of Ashton Devillier

Ashton Devillier

HS Science Teacher

Photo of Josh Gardner

Josh Gardner

Secondary Dean of Students

Photo of Angela Guiles

Angela Guiles

HS Special Education Teacher

Photo of Alys Hansen

Alys Hansen

K-12 Art Teacher

Photo of James Hughes

James Hughes

Secondary Principal

Photo of Tracey Imel

Tracey Imel


Richard Krueger

High School Math/Science Teacher

Effie Manahan

Secondary Counselor

Photo of Mary Marable

Mary Marable

HS Math/Pathways/PE Teacher

Photo of Alice Miller

Alice Miller

Secondary Administrative Assistant

Photo of Greg Ruybalid

Greg Ruybalid

Health Teacher

Photo of Andrew Saletta

Andrew Saletta

K-12 Music Teacher

Photo of Chelsea Shourds

Chelsea Shourds

English and Spanish Teacher

Photo of Dr Travis White

Dr Travis White

Health Consultant for the Pathways Program

Jason Witt

Entrepreneurship Consultant for Pathways Program