Referral Process

Teachers, parents, gifted facilitators, special services, counselors, self or peers may nominate students for identification into the Gifted Program at any time. Out district will use a team approach to review student evidence and determine if a student qualifies or requires additional testing. The procedure for referral begins with contacting the appropriate gifted coordinator and completing an official referral form. A body of evidence is the collected including testing data brought to the identification team where an identifcation decision is made. Both qualitative and quantiative data is required and considered. Potential candidates my be re-evaluated at at later date if they do not meet the criteria during the initial screening. These students are usually put in the "Talent Pool" and receive programmming very similar to identified gifted students while gathering more evidence for identification consideration.

Referral forms are available from each school's Gifted Coordinator or can be accessed on the Mancos School District's website.


Liza Eschallier -Elementary School 

Brady Archer - Middle School

John Marchino - High School

GT Referral Form

Espanol GT Referral Form